Thursday, August 24, 2006

The tide is turning...

The tide is turning… and the article Michael Graves' New Target: Medical Devices in Business Week is proof that great minds and talents, such as the world renowned architect Michael Graves, are now focusing on caregiving and management. This master is applying his prodigious talents to the healthcare space. Imagine: medical devices that are not only, functional but also aesthetically pleasing (gasp!) AND affordable (double gasp!). Let us repeat that: medical devices that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, AND affordable--- all in one. Shocking! Revolutionary!

And that’s just it, it IS revolutionary for the healthcare space. You don’t have to sacrifice lifestyle or affordability to get something functional. This is the message CareTALK is spreading. With so many Baby Boomers nearing retirement age, why should we have to sacrifice one or the other to get what we want/need in the healthcare space. We don’t do it in any other space--- why healthcare?

We say, “Congratulations, Mr. Graves. Keep up the good work!”


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