Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Healthcare costs out of control!

If anyone needs further evidence that we need a better, more efficient, more cost sensitive healthcare system, perhaps you should read the article in the Wall Street Journal, Health-Care Premiums Rise 7.7%, Outpacing Wages and Inflation. Health Care premiums rose 7.7%!! No wonder the percentage of uninsured Americans rose to 41% in 2005. No one can afford health insurance.

So, let’s get this straight… not only did the health insurance premiums rise (and you can bet they will keep rising every year) but even if you are insured, coverage can be canceled retroactively (please see posting from September 23 below) thereby giving you no sense of security that when you really need the insurance, it will be there to cover your expenses (that is, after all, the reason you are paying the premiums in the first place).

Doesn’t anybody think we need a better system? Perhaps (dare we say) universal health coverage?


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