Friday, October 06, 2006

Hearing Loss

Reading this article in the NYTimes, For Some Who Lost Their Hearing, Implants Help
it is amazing how the government can spend so much on other projects, yet it cannot cover the cochlear surgery needed by many that will decrease the number of Americans with hearing loss, the “third most common chronic condition among older Americans, after hypertension, and arthritis.” Medicare only covers a fraction of the cost of the surgery while health insurances don’t even cover hearing aids which, on average, cost $40, 000.

That’s disgraceful!

It’s even worse when you consider that a study conducted by the National Council on Aging found that “those using aids had better feelings about themselves, greater independence, improved mental health and better relationships with their families. Yet only one person in five with hearing loss wears a hearing aid” because of the high costs. Very unfortunate how our government would prefer to pay high prescription costs to pharmaceutical companies (instead of controlling them and the rising healthcare costs) yet they can’t cover hearing aid/ cochlear surgeries which would be very needed as the boomers age.


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