Saturday, October 07, 2006

MedTech Weekly: PositScience

Today makes the first entry in MedTech Weekly which will highlight one product each week that we believe captures the essence of modern technology working hand in hand with the medical needs of Americans – especially aging Americans.

According to the Wired article, Brain Workouts May Tone Memory, “the concept of ‘cognitive fitness’ has become a buzzword to describe activities that stimulate underutilized areas of the brain and improve memory. Proponents of brain-fitness exercises say such mental conditioning can help prevent or delay memory loss and the onset of other age-related cognitive disorders.”

This week we are featuring PositScience. No one thinks twice about exercising the body -- -we all go to the gym (or at least we try to) because we know it is good for us--- it will help keep us healthier so we can live longer. Don’t you think the same would apply to the brain? After all, the brain is an organ that also needs a workout—especially if we want to keep our cognitive skills sharp as we age.

Here is a scary statistic:
There have been some estimates which say that by the time boomers reach the age of 85, 50% of them will suffer from Alzheimer’s. Imagine, 50%.

Fortunately, there are programs available which are fitness programs for your brain--- so as to keep your cognitive skills sharp and active.
PositScience is a 40 hour program available on DVDs which will you can take yourself or with other loved ones. It is highly recommended your brain “works out” 1 hour a week, 5 days a week, for 8 straight week. If you follow the suggested work out routine, you will see a significant improvement to your cognitive skills (this does sound like we’re joining a gym).


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