Saturday, October 21, 2006

Never give up

As many of you may know, the World Series starts today. As a result there was bound to be a multitude of stories about the teams, the players, the game, etc. However, one particular story in the NY Times, stood out--- because it is about caregiving and never giving up in the face of adversity.

Marcus Thames’s Mother Inspires and Amazes is an article regarding how Veterine Thames, almost completely paralyzed from the neck down, raised 5 children as a single mother. She is an inspiration to her children to do their work, help around the house--- everyone pulling together and working as a team. One of those children is Marcus Thames, right fielder for the Detroit Tigers--- one of the two teams playing in the World Series. Her tenacity to persevere despite her condition has motivated Marcus to do the same--- persevere and drive himself every day on the field.

One special point that we would like to highlight is that after the accident that left Ms. Thames immobilized, her family helped care for her (and continue to care for her). They are not resentful— caring for her is “as natural to them as singing hymns.” One family member was quoted as saying “It was a job that had to be done, and someone did it” regarding to the devotion everyone has for her caring.

This is proactivity. Bad things happen to good people. Yes, there are times when you can break down and have perhaps a second of self-pity, but then you have to roll up your sleeves and forge ahead. As long as your mind functions, you are still you.

In Ms. Thames case, everyone was/is a caregiver—especially her children. Each had a responsibility. Did you know there are over $1M children (under the age of 18) who are caregivers? Ms. Thames case is not isolated. It is time we help families and caregivers manage their responsibilities.

CareTALK will help.


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