Sunday, October 15, 2006

"The Talk"

Earlier this week, there was a very poignant article in The Washington Post, The Conversation, which is a great follow-up to last Monday’s (Oct.9th) entry on this blog regarding end of life arrangements. The writer for The Conversation ,Ms. Annie Groer, describes how she had to first force herself to face her father’s impending death and then, to sit down and have a frank conversation with her father --- where she asked him if he “was ready to die” and, among other things, whether he wanted to be buried or cremated. (Ms. Groer was surprised by his answer and was glad she asked because her initial assumptions were incorrect.)

Everyone should read this article and have “the talk” with their aging loved ones. Unfortunately, no one is immortal and it is better to plan ahead and be prepared for impending death—then to be second guessing yourself later--- when it is too late to ask. As Ms. Groer wrote, having “the talk” was therapeutic--- both for her and her father--- and it seems to have brought them closer together. In addition, everyone should want to make it easier for their loved ones to pass away comfortably and at ease --- especially at ease that you, their surviving relative, are comfortable with their impending death. There is no harder feeling for a parent to think they are abandoning their children--- especially when it is not their decision, but the decision of our Maker.

Have “the talk” with your loved ones. Ms. Groer has even provided tips on how to broach the topic. But it must be done.
We have "the talk regarding every other topic-- why not this?


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