The sandwich generation
We all know most of the caregiving responsibilities fall on women. Usually, they are called upon to care for an aging relative--- while taking care of their children, and while working full time. (In fact, according to the USA Today article, Middle-aged women are less likely to be happy, about 2/3 of female caregivers are employed.) This is the sandwich generation--- women between their mid-30s and mid-50s.
According to a social demographer quoted in the article, this sandwich will not go away even by the time these women reach their 60s. Due to “later marriages, later child-bearing and longer life spans, … more women [are forced] into taking responsibility for their kids and their parents.”
Imagine being in your 60s, then instead of thinking of retirement, you need to focus on and worry about the caregiving of your aging relative and children. What do you do about your inevitable caregiving stress?
CareTALK will help in relieving this stress--- help you manage, and control your daily caregiving responsibilities. We, along with our partners, will give you the tools to help you manage more efficiently.
And while taking care of your children or aging loved one--- remember to take a moment just for yourself.
According to a social demographer quoted in the article, this sandwich will not go away even by the time these women reach their 60s. Due to “later marriages, later child-bearing and longer life spans, … more women [are forced] into taking responsibility for their kids and their parents.”
Imagine being in your 60s, then instead of thinking of retirement, you need to focus on and worry about the caregiving of your aging relative and children. What do you do about your inevitable caregiving stress?
CareTALK will help in relieving this stress--- help you manage, and control your daily caregiving responsibilities. We, along with our partners, will give you the tools to help you manage more efficiently.
And while taking care of your children or aging loved one--- remember to take a moment just for yourself.
It's good to have another blog addressing the Gen Sandwichers. Yes, we have our plates full and sometimes we feel smooshed. But we also have opportunities to enjoy three or more generations. And working together, we have resources. More at Sometimes I Feel Like a Piece of Bologna.
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