Monday, December 04, 2006

Check out the Dec 11 issue of New York magazine!

Every Tuesday, we eagerly await our mail (and it's certainly not for the bills and junk mail). Tuesdays are the days when we receive our copy of New York magazine. (Have we ever written how much we love the sensibility and writing of the magazine?) Well, we do!

This week we were not disappointed--- especially since a main section of the magazine was dedicated to elder care! "
The Everything Guide to Elder Care" has reviewed several facilities and has listed some of the top facilities in NYC for the aging based on "experts, including geriatric-care managers, watchdog groups, elderly advocates, and government officials." (Oh, and they also visited the facilities themselves).

Many people may not realize this, but New York City is really a city for all—young AND old. According to the 2000 census, there were approximately 1 million New Yorkers over the age of 65--- accounting for about 11% of NYC's population. Why so many elderly? New York magazine explains it best:

You don't need to drive, virtually anything can be delivered, the world's best doctors are here, and … [plenty of] senior-minded outings, clubs, and yoga classes (not to mention the opera, Broadway, and the occasional White Stripes concert for the young at heart).

Yes, that's right… forget Florida. New York City is the place to age-in-place.


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