Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dreading a hip replacement? Try hip resurfacing

As active as the boomers are, there will likely be an increase in hip replacement surgeries. The problem is, hip replacements are usually recommended for those over 60 (until then you have to "soldier" it out) because the replacements only last about 15 years. Considering many are living to a ripe old age (the oldest living woman just passed away at 114 on Monday), having a hip replacement at 60 which lasts only 15 years is not enough.

Added to that problem, boomers are much more active now than their parents were at their age. Therefore, boomers are much more likely to need hip replacements earlier.

Now there is another option—hip resurfacing. According to The New York Times article, "Doctors Sell Hip Resurfacing to Boomers", hip resurfacing involves "covering a damaged hip's ball and socket with smooth metal rather than cutting away worn bone and replacing it" thereby leaving the thigh bone intact. Hip resurfacing is estimated to last 15-20 years--- and if necessary after this period of time, a hip replacement can still be performed.

This may be a better alternative--- but we should be able to come up with something better. After all, scientists have created bionic arms and feet--- we should be able to develop a hip replacement/resurfacing technique that will last at least 30-40 years--not 15 years.


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