Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, Ali!

In case you haven't heard, Muhammed Ali turned 65 today. Yes, Mr. Ali, one of (if not the) greatest champ in boxing history is now a senior citizen. So many articles we've read today have stated this fact as a shocker.

We guess, in a way, it is a shock to think of the powerful, energetic, boastful man as a senior. However, please note, 65 is NOT the end of the road. In fact, some see 65 as a new lease in life. Take Clint Eastwood as an example -- he is 76 and he is still acting, directing, producing, and writing movies (and probably much more).

Unfortunately, Parkinson's disease has slowed Ali down and has made his own body a traitor-- but his mind is still sharp and clear. Some articles like the one from the Associated Press, make his story out to be a tragic story--- one of pity. Yes, his story is tragic--- but a birthday is a day of celebration--- a day of joy for having lived another year. You are supposed to remember the good things that occur--- not dwell on the bad.

There is one article from the NY Daily News that is actually heartwarming--- not pitying --and it is a letter from the sports columnist to Ali's wife, Lonnie, in which the author describes some fun memories that are meant to make Ali smile. That should be the gift his fans should give him--- memories that will help him smile--- not pity.

Like they say, as long as the mind still functions, the body can be put back together.


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