Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The rise of cancer rates in those under 40

Decades ago, it was commonly thought cancer mostly affected those 40 and older. All the studies and research done had been based on that assumption.

However, more and more, the rate of those under 40 getting cancer is rising. And unfortunately, while the cancer survival rates have improved for older adults in the past decades, the survival rates of younger cancer patients aged 15 to 39 had not risen substantially. This is not to say the survival rates for younger patients is not good (according to The New York Times article, "Too Young for This: Facing Cancer Under 40", as of 2003, the 5 yr survival rate for those 20-39 was 78.5%). However, this rate could (and should) be much higher.

Cancer does not discriminate. It affects all—babies, children, young adults, older adults, seniors. Therefore, adequate tests/research should be conducted to test certain procedures specifically tailored for each group: babies, children, and adults under 40.

In addition, doctors should stop automatically dismissing cancer as a possible diagnosis because the patient is "too young." Again, cancer does not discriminate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad news. Look at Revolution Health -

Monday, February 05, 2007 11:13:00 PM  

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