Thursday, January 04, 2007

Throw out your $200 face cream (and eye cream, and mask, and peel)…

…you don't need them any more. Apparently, there is a new "back-to-basics movement" among dermatologists, according to The New York Times article "The Cosmetics Restriction Diet." In other words, the only products you need are:

  1. face cleanser
  2. sunscreen

And if you have severe acne or want to reduce the appearance of some wrinkles, you can use a product specifically for that need.

Now, this leads us to wonder, what about all those high priced creams, cleansers, wrinkle reducing serums, etc? A friend of a friend of a friend uses an expensive product regularly and s/he swears by that product. Doesn't that mean it works?

Unfortunately, not necessarily.

Creams are not regulated and companies are not mandated to show us any findings from their clinical trials (if they even had clinical trials). As one dermatologist told us once, it's trial and error. If you find a cream/moisturizer that works for you, use it… if not, try another one. Some independent studies (like a study by Consumer Reports published last month regarding wrinkle creams) have shown, that the expensive creams are not necessarily more effective. Yes, they may feel heavenly and smell divine, but that's all it is. The effectiveness is the same as a lower priced cream.

Look on the bright side. Now you have more money to splurge on other things.


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