47 Million
That is the number of people without health insurance in this country – and it has INCREASED in the past ten years! According to the NY Times/CBS Poll, even those who DO have insurance do not get certain tests because of out-of-pocket expenses.
This lack of health insurance coverage MUST be a priority discussion of ALL CANDIDATES for the 2008 Presidential Elections. They need a clear, detailed plan that can be executed. Many candidates are saying the right things/the right words--- but where is the detailed plan of how to fix the problem?
We ALL need to keep a vigil that this election does not offer a pass for this critical issue -- this time around. Each candidate has a channel on YouTube:
Democratic Candidates
- Joe Biden: http://www.youtube.com/joebiden
- Hillary Clinton: http://www.youtube.com/hillaryclinton
- John Edwards: http://www.youtube.com/johnedwards
- Dennis Kucinich: http://www.youtube.com/denniskucinich
- Barack Obama: http://www.youtube.com/barackobama
- Bill Richardson: http://www.youtube.com/BillRichardson
Republican Candidates
- Rudy Giuliani: http://www.youtube.com/RudyGiuliani
- John McCain: http://www.youtube.com/johnmccain
- Mitt Romney: http://www.youtube.com/mittromney
Keep up to date on the issues each candidate addresses. Make sure these are the REAL issues. It is time for Americans to become THE priority of our governments – federal, state, and local.
Labels: 2008 election, health insurance, healthcare, presidential candidates, YouTube
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