Monday, April 30, 2007

Suffer from Arthritis?

You're not alone. According to a new study, there were more than 46 million American adults with arthritis (or other rheumatic condition) in 2003. By 2030, this number is expected to rise to 67million.

Why the sharp rise?

Because of the aging Boomers.

The unfortunate consequence is that, in addition to pain and discomfort, the total amount spent on medical care for these conditions in the US increased by about 1/3 from $64.8 billion in 1997 to $80.8 billion in 2003. The "good" news is that the average cost per person did not increase too much. The bad news is that while the total medical care has gone up, the "raw earnings losses due to arthritic conditions to total $108 billion in 2003 compared to $99 billion in 1997."

So what does this mean for the aging boomers who face may arthritis in the near future? Can arthritis be cured? Prevented? Delayed?

There is some help: "The Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program is an educational program designed to help patients with arthritis learn the skills required to become an active member in treating their own condition." This program has been shown to be "effective in reducing pain and, thus, medical costs due to fewer doctor visits."

Check this program out. Talk to your doctor about it. Take proactive actions to treat your condition.



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