Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Walk a Day in My Shoes…

Have you ever heard of this program?

Well, let us tell you... It's a campaign by the SEIU (The Service Employees International Union), the largest health care union in this country, inviting all presidential candidates to walk in the shoes of their member -- professional caregivers--for a day. With this program, presidential candidates get to experience first hand what professional caregivers have to go through everyday and the issues that concern them, such as being able to receive a paycheck that will support a "family, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a better life for themselves and their families."

We had written previously about the fact that professional caregivers--- those who care for your loved ones day in and day out, those who must clean and bathe and accompany your loved ones--- don't even have health insurance themselves and can't afford to have a professional caregiver care for them when they need it.

If the presidential candidates are serious about changing healthcare --as they all say--then they need to experience firsthand what the challenges and issues are that the average health care worker faces.

As the "Walk a Day in My Shoes" website states:

"Because if presidential candidates understand the struggles workers face each day, they will be better able to offer the 21st century solutions this country needs."

We agree!

Watch the coverage of presidential candidate, John Edwards, Thursday morning on Good Morning America as he Walks a Day in the shoes of an SEIU member.

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