Sunday, May 27, 2007

Clinton's new health care agenda

Presidential candidate, Hilary Clinton, unveiled an outline of her health care agenda (the full plan will not be disclosed until later this year) which includes:

  • a requirement for insurers that cover federal employees to pay for preventative care. Based on past experience, this practice is expected to spread to the private sector.
  • "Cutting payments to private manage-care Medicare plans." Mrs. Clinton believes the "government overpays them to participate."
  • "changes in the malpractice arena that would give liability protection to doctors who disclose errors and enter into mediation with injured patients."
Mrs. Clinton's overall plan will also include ideas for improving the quality of health care and a plan for universal health insurance. She has also proposed "insurers be required to sell coverage to anyone who wants it and said companies should be barred from charging sicker people higher premiums."

As the Wall Street Journal stated, this is the "first step" toward her health care agenda; however, we would be extremely interested in the details of her plan. Presidential candidate, John Edwards, has already unveiled his plan for universal health care coverage and Presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, is expected to do the same next week.

The great news is at the top of the democratic candidates' agendas. We've been gouged for too long... Americans will finally get better health care.

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