Monday, May 21, 2007

Diet Soda is okay... isn't it?

We can all agree that soda in general is not a "healthy" drink – though, in moderation, it's not too bad -- especially if we drink diet soda. But what about the consequences of those who are addicted to diet soda (such as Bill Clinton, Elton John) -- like many people are addicted to coffee? Are there side effects (if not now, then later down the road) from drinking too much diet soda?

According to some nutritionist experts, "There is some evidence that the acid load of soda, regular or diet, has an adverse affect on bone health." This is not to say we can't drink a can or two per day – but there are reports where people drink up to 12 cans or multiple 2 liter bottles during the day.

Now think about it. As we age, we tend to lose bone density - especially women which is why there is a higher number of osteoporosis in women than in men. Why would we aid in the aging process? Why drink in such excess? After all, overindulgence in any one particular item is not healthy.



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